"Praise the Lord with the lyre, the harp of ten strings sing to him.Sing to the Lord a new song!" (Psalm 32/33, 2-3). Put off what old now and, you know the new song. A new man, a new testament, a new song. The new song is not suited to older men. Do not learn it unless the new men, men renewed by grace, from what was old, men now belonging to the new testament, which is the kingdom of heaven. All our love to it sighs and sings a new song. However, raise a new song not with the language, but with our lives.
Sing to him a new song, sing to him with art (see Psalm 32/33, 3). Each question is how to sing to God. You must sing to him,but not out of tune . Refuses to have offended his ears. Sing with art, oh siblings. When, in front of a music connoisseur, you're told: sing to him so to please him, with no preparation in the music, come to be with trepidation upon singing, because you would not want to displease the musician: the fact that escapes the layman, is noted and criticized by a connoisseur. However, those who would dare to present himself to sing to God with all your skill, good judgment who knows the singer, who looks exactly everything and hear everything so well? How could you show an ability so perfect in the song, not to offend no ears so perfect?
Here he is giving you almost the tone of the melody to sing: do not go in search of words, as if you could translate into a chant of articulate sounds which God delights. Sing in exultation. Singing with art to God consists in this: to sing in jubilation. What does it mean to sing in exultation? Understand and not be able to explain in words what my heart sings. For men who sing both at harvest and during harvest, and during some intensive work, the first feel the pleasure aroused by the words of the songs, but later, when the excitement grows, they feel that they can not express in words and then vent only modulation of notes. This part we call "jubilation".
The jubilation is that melody, with which he pours out his heart as he is unable to express in words. And for those most appropriate to raise this song of joy, if not for the ineffable God? In fact, it ineffable one that you can not express. And if you can not express, and besides you can not keep silent, what you have left if not "Jubilee"? Then the heart is open to joy, without the use of words, and the extraordinary greatness of joy will know no limits of syllables. Sing to him with jubilation in the art (see Psalm 32/33, 3).
Quotes by Augustine, Commentary on Psalm 32/33, in Enarrationes in Psalmos (403)
The portrait of Augustine by Vittore Carpaccio
The portrait of Augustine by Vittore Carpaccio